This is randompcb!

This site is kinda meh but I don't care!

Also you smell! Wash your feet!
Also please don't let the water get too high, water and electricity don't mix yk urmøm isfåt | SID IS OVERRATED AAAAA | asdfghjklñ | insert text here | IM NOT AN ATTINY FFS | hhhhhhhhhh | 1345544343!? | THIS TEXT SCROLLER | ugh tyop | cat /dev/random | 20 GOTO 10!? | jgfdngffdfhff | Site Totally™ not malware | Also check out the AY | Runtime Error: Cringe Index out of Bounds | ive run out of stuff to put here...

About me:

I am a random PCB, found on the ground in some random park, if I am weird, well, pretty much everyone on the interwebz is, I have ADHD in case anyone thinks that matters and probably also autism?????????????
I have nothing to put here yet, btw...
Honestly, I literally don't care about pronouns, as long as you don't use "her". I am NOT female.
Please ignore any text written with no caps/punctuation. That is Ed, who is a total idiot. PCB (me) is the only one who isn't, there isn't that many. Just 2. Ed and me.

Other stuff on this site:

Contact info (kind of)
.MP3 file dump
The Useless Terminal™

Ask your questions here

Go here if the above link doesn't work
Also go draw me shit I guess

Friends 'n' stuff I find cool:

Last button is me, feel free to hotlink it ;)

A friend from school

A really tired synth Sneexy

Legally controversial scientific database

Some random protogen on the web unnick

Some writer and painter dude who lives inside a PC

Someone who likes brown and CRTs and the Nintendo 3DS a lot

A very nice dude from IRC

How TF do I even define this one...


Graphic hoard quiz thingy

My computer geek score is greater than 62% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

What is your weird quotient? Click to find out!

I am 52% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

I am going to die at 91.  When are you? Click here to find out!

The NerdTests' Space Test says I'm an Uber Space Nerd.  What kind of space geek are you?  Click here!

Human-made Content
Site 100% hand made!